Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Prof. Dr. Babu Lal Saraf
Prof. Babulal Saraf was an institution in himself and in his death; we feel that it
was end of an institution, Prof. Saraf was born on March 31, 1924 in a small town of Badnawar, Distt.
Dhar of Malwa Region. After his school education in his town and in Dhar he did his B.Sc. from Jaipur and M.Sc. (Physics) from Agra University in the year 1947 and Ph.D. in 1957 in the field of Experimental Nuclear Physics.
After getting his M.Sc. degree he worked in the department of Physics, Agra College, Agra for two years. During his short stay there, he got interested in Research and moved to Delhi where he worked in the University of Delhi for about one & half year. Subsequently, he got an opportunity to work at Bartol Research Foundation, Franklin Institute, Swarthmore. Pennsylvania, USA, form 1953 to 1956, during this period he worked in the field of experimental Nuclear Physics and published his research work in Physical Review. –
After returning to India, he joined Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC) then headed by eminent scientist H.J. Bhabha and Nuclear Physics group headed by Dr. Ramanna. He continued his research work in the experimental Nuclear Physics at BARC. Though his research was a quality work all published in internationally reputed journal, Physical Review. But his interest was to serve the science community in general and Physics community in particular by way of developing experiments and designing associated equipment for school, college and University laboratories as an aid to teach basic concepts at that level. As such he was sent to University of Rajasthan as Prof, and Head, Department of Physics in 1962. It was the time when Physics as a subject was at its peak of popularity in Universities and colleges. He established a Center for Development of Physics Education (CDPE) with the assistance from University Grants Commission and started work of his own choice and interest. He developed kits and equipments in almost all fields of Physics and supplied them to Universities and colleges throughout the country at no profit no loss basis. He also conducted several workshop and summer programs to train college/University teachers in these experiments. In fact he wanted to develop an attitude/culture among the teaching community to emphasize the need of experimental work in understanding the basis of Physics and sciences.
Prof. Abdus Salam, then Director of ICTP got interested in his work and sent him to some African Countries to establish such centers in the Universities there and also spread the culture of experimental science. Under this program, he spent some time in Nigeria, Tanzania and Kenya. He also visited other countries of this region along with his equipments.
After retiring from Jaipur, he remained active and got some funds from UGC to run Physics Education Project at Ratlam (1992 - 1997) under the umbrella of UGC, and govt. of Madhya Pradesh. Under this program, he designed and fabricated seven - eight equipments which could be used to perform a large variety of Nuclear Physics Experiments. Not only this, but he supplied a set of these experiments to some postgraduate colleges of Indore and Ujjain University and helped in establishing the laboratory in these colleges. This was a unique work, only a person like Prof. Saraf could do. This work made him popular in his own region, the Malwa Region. When the Ratlam Project came to end, IPS Academy, Indore offered him a place where he could continue his activities with its financial support. Age was no barrier for him and during his stay at IPS Academy, he developed quite a few new experiments and associated equipments, notably among them were Foucault Pendulum, Timers with special features, sample and hold voltmeter (nearly ideal).
He also succeeded in convincing Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) to allow the preparation of laboratory grade radioactive sources in our laboratory at IPS Academy. This was a unique achievement since DAE did not permit this type of activity outside its own territory.
He was not an ardent writer but he wrote two books in association with his co-workers.
1. Physics Through Experiment, Vol. I & II, Published by Vikas Publishing House.
2. Four Apparatus for the laboratory education in Quantum Electrodynamics & Nuclear Physics - Published by IPS Academy. He was founder member of IAPT and took keen interest in its activities throughout his life.
Department of Science & Technology honored him by preparing forty five minutes documentary entitled, "Babulal Saraf- Master Experimentalist" VIDEO can be seen on
In the honour of this great scientist IPS Academy Indore put him on the cover page of its Annual Magazine "MANTHAN" 11.
was end of an institution, Prof. Saraf was born on March 31, 1924 in a small town of Badnawar, Distt.
Dhar of Malwa Region. After his school education in his town and in Dhar he did his B.Sc. from Jaipur and M.Sc. (Physics) from Agra University in the year 1947 and Ph.D. in 1957 in the field of Experimental Nuclear Physics.
After getting his M.Sc. degree he worked in the department of Physics, Agra College, Agra for two years. During his short stay there, he got interested in Research and moved to Delhi where he worked in the University of Delhi for about one & half year. Subsequently, he got an opportunity to work at Bartol Research Foundation, Franklin Institute, Swarthmore. Pennsylvania, USA, form 1953 to 1956, during this period he worked in the field of experimental Nuclear Physics and published his research work in Physical Review. –
After returning to India, he joined Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC) then headed by eminent scientist H.J. Bhabha and Nuclear Physics group headed by Dr. Ramanna. He continued his research work in the experimental Nuclear Physics at BARC. Though his research was a quality work all published in internationally reputed journal, Physical Review. But his interest was to serve the science community in general and Physics community in particular by way of developing experiments and designing associated equipment for school, college and University laboratories as an aid to teach basic concepts at that level. As such he was sent to University of Rajasthan as Prof, and Head, Department of Physics in 1962. It was the time when Physics as a subject was at its peak of popularity in Universities and colleges. He established a Center for Development of Physics Education (CDPE) with the assistance from University Grants Commission and started work of his own choice and interest. He developed kits and equipments in almost all fields of Physics and supplied them to Universities and colleges throughout the country at no profit no loss basis. He also conducted several workshop and summer programs to train college/University teachers in these experiments. In fact he wanted to develop an attitude/culture among the teaching community to emphasize the need of experimental work in understanding the basis of Physics and sciences.
Prof. Abdus Salam, then Director of ICTP got interested in his work and sent him to some African Countries to establish such centers in the Universities there and also spread the culture of experimental science. Under this program, he spent some time in Nigeria, Tanzania and Kenya. He also visited other countries of this region along with his equipments.
After retiring from Jaipur, he remained active and got some funds from UGC to run Physics Education Project at Ratlam (1992 - 1997) under the umbrella of UGC, and govt. of Madhya Pradesh. Under this program, he designed and fabricated seven - eight equipments which could be used to perform a large variety of Nuclear Physics Experiments. Not only this, but he supplied a set of these experiments to some postgraduate colleges of Indore and Ujjain University and helped in establishing the laboratory in these colleges. This was a unique work, only a person like Prof. Saraf could do. This work made him popular in his own region, the Malwa Region. When the Ratlam Project came to end, IPS Academy, Indore offered him a place where he could continue his activities with its financial support. Age was no barrier for him and during his stay at IPS Academy, he developed quite a few new experiments and associated equipments, notably among them were Foucault Pendulum, Timers with special features, sample and hold voltmeter (nearly ideal).
He also succeeded in convincing Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) to allow the preparation of laboratory grade radioactive sources in our laboratory at IPS Academy. This was a unique achievement since DAE did not permit this type of activity outside its own territory.
He was not an ardent writer but he wrote two books in association with his co-workers.
1. Physics Through Experiment, Vol. I & II, Published by Vikas Publishing House.
2. Four Apparatus for the laboratory education in Quantum Electrodynamics & Nuclear Physics - Published by IPS Academy. He was founder member of IAPT and took keen interest in its activities throughout his life.
Department of Science & Technology honored him by preparing forty five minutes documentary entitled, "Babulal Saraf- Master Experimentalist" VIDEO can be seen on
In the honour of this great scientist IPS Academy Indore put him on the cover page of its Annual Magazine "MANTHAN" 11.
Careers in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Naturopathy, Yoga,Chiropracty, Homeopathy,Tibetan Medicine,Reiki
literally meaning the science of life, aims at healing the individual as a whole, instead of merely at the molecular level. This ancient healing system is based on the tehory that everything is composed of elements (akash, jal, vayu, agni, dharti). The main source of our knowledge Ayurveda is the Artharva Veda, Which dates back to around 1200 BC.
The basic principles and doctrines of Siddha are similar to those of Ayurved. The human body is considered a conglomeration of three humors, seven body tissues and waste products. Proper consistency of these constituents in the body ensures good health.
The Unani system of medicine orginated in Greece during 460-377 BC, and was brought to India by the Arabs and Persians. Unani medicine is based on the 'humoral theory' (relating to four bodily fluids) with each humor leading to a specific temperament in a human being. The Unani system makes use of plants, minerals and animal products as curative agents to re establish the persons original humoral constitution.
Popularly referred to as the drugless treatment of diseases, Naturopathy is based on the practice of applying the simple laws of nature to cure diseases. It pays particular attention to balanced dietary and living habits,adoptingpurificatory measures, and using natural techniques such as hydrotherapy, cold packs, muc packs, baths (water, oil & sun), massage, etc.
Elements of yoga have been used in traditional Indian medicine for thousands of years, though yoga therapy in its present form is mere 80 years old-created by the marriage of traditional yoga with modern medicine. Yoga therapy comprises a wide range of mind / body practices, ranging from postural and breathing exercises to deep relaxation and meditation for promoting positive health and well being as well as helping particular medical conditions.
Homeopathy lays emphasis on strengthening the immune system and during like with like. Homeopathy today enjoys wide acceptability,both here and abroad , because of its holistic and intrinsic values, the low cost of medication coupled with ease of administration and absence of toxic side effects.
Tibetan Medicine
This ancient system of medicine recognizes three forms of energy in the body- flame, wind and bile. An imbalance of these energies in any organ leads to illness. Inherent in the the body - flame, wind and bile. An imbalance of these energies in any organ leads to illness. Inherent in the medicinal tradition is the use of precious pills made of herbs and other natural substances and prescribed according to the calendar.
Reiki practitioners believe that we are born with a certain level of energy which gets depleted through our daily activities. If the energy is depleted at a rate faster than it can be replenished, it leads to ill health. Reiki attempts to increase the overall energy stores of the body by activating the seven chakras.
Chiropracty is a 5000 year old non invasive, non surgical approach for managing ortho neuro skeletal disorders, problems of the spine and other chronic disorders by restoring normal body function. circumventing surgery ( in most cases ) cuts down recovery time and sot of treatment virtually by half. Chiropracty is quite popular in countries like USA, UK, Australia and Germany.
Like other forms of medicine, the minimum qualification for most courses in traditional medicine is 10+2 with PCB (Physics, Chemistry & Biology). However for Unani, Siddha and Tibetan medicine, arts and humanities students can also apply. Additionally, for pursuing a course in Ayurveda, you need to be well versed in Sanskrit / Hindi, while for Unani, some knowledge of Arabic / Urdu is a must. Similarly for studying the siddha system, you need knowledge of Tamil.
literally meaning the science of life, aims at healing the individual as a whole, instead of merely at the molecular level. This ancient healing system is based on the tehory that everything is composed of elements (akash, jal, vayu, agni, dharti). The main source of our knowledge Ayurveda is the Artharva Veda, Which dates back to around 1200 BC.
The basic principles and doctrines of Siddha are similar to those of Ayurved. The human body is considered a conglomeration of three humors, seven body tissues and waste products. Proper consistency of these constituents in the body ensures good health.
The Unani system of medicine orginated in Greece during 460-377 BC, and was brought to India by the Arabs and Persians. Unani medicine is based on the 'humoral theory' (relating to four bodily fluids) with each humor leading to a specific temperament in a human being. The Unani system makes use of plants, minerals and animal products as curative agents to re establish the persons original humoral constitution.
Popularly referred to as the drugless treatment of diseases, Naturopathy is based on the practice of applying the simple laws of nature to cure diseases. It pays particular attention to balanced dietary and living habits,adoptingpurificatory measures, and using natural techniques such as hydrotherapy, cold packs, muc packs, baths (water, oil & sun), massage, etc.
Elements of yoga have been used in traditional Indian medicine for thousands of years, though yoga therapy in its present form is mere 80 years old-created by the marriage of traditional yoga with modern medicine. Yoga therapy comprises a wide range of mind / body practices, ranging from postural and breathing exercises to deep relaxation and meditation for promoting positive health and well being as well as helping particular medical conditions.
Homeopathy lays emphasis on strengthening the immune system and during like with like. Homeopathy today enjoys wide acceptability,both here and abroad , because of its holistic and intrinsic values, the low cost of medication coupled with ease of administration and absence of toxic side effects.
Tibetan Medicine
This ancient system of medicine recognizes three forms of energy in the body- flame, wind and bile. An imbalance of these energies in any organ leads to illness. Inherent in the the body - flame, wind and bile. An imbalance of these energies in any organ leads to illness. Inherent in the medicinal tradition is the use of precious pills made of herbs and other natural substances and prescribed according to the calendar.
Reiki practitioners believe that we are born with a certain level of energy which gets depleted through our daily activities. If the energy is depleted at a rate faster than it can be replenished, it leads to ill health. Reiki attempts to increase the overall energy stores of the body by activating the seven chakras.
Chiropracty is a 5000 year old non invasive, non surgical approach for managing ortho neuro skeletal disorders, problems of the spine and other chronic disorders by restoring normal body function. circumventing surgery ( in most cases ) cuts down recovery time and sot of treatment virtually by half. Chiropracty is quite popular in countries like USA, UK, Australia and Germany.
Like other forms of medicine, the minimum qualification for most courses in traditional medicine is 10+2 with PCB (Physics, Chemistry & Biology). However for Unani, Siddha and Tibetan medicine, arts and humanities students can also apply. Additionally, for pursuing a course in Ayurveda, you need to be well versed in Sanskrit / Hindi, while for Unani, some knowledge of Arabic / Urdu is a must. Similarly for studying the siddha system, you need knowledge of Tamil.
Achal K. Choudhary - Architect & Founder of Private Professional Education in Central India
Prof. (Ar.) Achal K Choudhary an eminent Educationist and Architect of well repute
in Indore, Madhya Pradesh and India was born on 12th December 1951 at Ujjain (M.P.). Mr. Choudhary obtained his B.Arch (Hons.) degree from well-reputed Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in 1973. Till then Ar. Choudhary is actively connected with his architectures profession having A.I.I.A. and registration with council of Architecture, India. He is a founder of highly reputed and recognized organizations namely ASK Consultants (P) Ltd. Indore. To his credit there are many projects of residential, commercial, in Indore and other parts of the country .. In addition the details of such projects. In addition to his profession Ar. Achal Choudhary is well connected with different social groups and sports activities. Due to his immense interest in education and background of reputed educationalist family, had a great desire and urge to establish an educational institute in Indore. He started “ Indore Public School “ 1984 from KG to XII standard having all modern facilities & amenities for the development of students like Sports Complex, open Air Theatre, Libraries, computers facilities, Well equipped laboratories etc and of course a biggest campus interview center in central India. Due to his continuous urge for the development of education, he set up IPS Academy Indore in 1994 spread over an area of 58 Acres having 16 different Colleges with 71 courses like Architecture, Commerce, Computer & Electronics, Economics, Engineering & Sciences, Fine Arts, Music, Fashion Technology, Hotel Management, Telecommunication, Business Management, Science & Laboratory Education, Pharmacy, Education, Travel, Tourism, Arts & Journalism etc. Thus the able guidance and continuous inspiration and work put forward by Prof. (Ar.) Achal K. Choudhary, IPS Academy known as “ Knowledge Village” provides education from Kg to PG level. http://www.ipsacademy.org/
Mohanjit Jolly
Mohanjit Jolly needs no introduction. As Managing Director of DFJ India (one of India’s leading VC funds today), he set up the Indian operations for DFJ in 2007. Currently, he manages an enviable portfolio which includes blockbuster companies like Cleartrip, MChek, Seventymm, Komli, Attero and many more. In this freewheeling chat with YourStory, he speaks about the interesting business ideas that he’s been evaluating and the changes that he has seen in the startup ecosystem over the last few years.
Mohanjit is also one of panelists on for the ‘Health, Water & Sanitation’ panel at Sankalp 2011, an Intellecap initiative that catalyzes impact investments into sustainable, scalable businesses globally.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Subrat Kar - The Youth of Our Nation
The Youth of Our Nation
In a Typical student's life, there is a question we have heard ever so often… What do you want to be when you grow up? Honestly I really cannot remember the answers I must have spouted, however Subrat Kar definitely knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to be an entrepreneur, making a career choice and a vocation not many would aspire to. When other dreamed of staid jobs and conventional careers Subrat had already made his mind up. A student of Chemical engineering from IES-IPS Academy, Indore, he launched a youth portal providing inspirational, educational and entrepreneurial articles called "Youth Mania". Created in November of 2008, initially "Youth Mania" was using Blogger as its publishing platform and is currently hosted on a server. The portal has had a heady ride becoming one of the top leadership blogging sites in the world. Placing in at rank 20, Subrat is planning to top the list very soon. In testament to his vision, within a two month period "Youth Mania" had more visitors than any other such site across the world.
Source http://www.yourstory.in/entrepreneurs/non-tech-entrepreneurs/1842-subrat-kar-founder-youthmanianet-
updations are requested by Mr. Subrat Kar.
Amit Pilaniya Indian Pistol Shooter- Eklavya Award

B.E. ( Electronics & Telecommunication ) from IPS Academy Indore which is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi Technical University Bhopal (RGTU). He is awarded with the title IPS Exempalary Student & Best Sportsman . He is awarded with States most famous ‘EKLAVYA AWARD OF 2007’ in the category of SHOOTING. His ambition is to represent India in Olympics.
updated details have been requested by Amit.
Akshat Khamparia - Promoter of CHESS Culture in India
Whenever he hold any achievement Akshat comes to me with his devotiness " Sir I did " " I have won this & that ". He has his world of Chess, He is Fide Master "A honour for Madhya Pradesh India". World Chess Federation awarded him - Fide Master . His International Elo Rating is 2287 (as per April 08 list) .
It is my desire to introduce Akshat with all those people who are outside the world of Chess. His grand ambition is to be a Super Grand Master and to promote chess culture in INDIA. By reading my words if you feels to congratulate him email him at akshat9@gmail.com.
Source http://susanpolgar.blogspot.com/2011/05/khamparia-takes-first-place-and-im-norm.html
It is my desire to introduce Akshat with all those people who are outside the world of Chess. His grand ambition is to be a Super Grand Master and to promote chess culture in INDIA. By reading my words if you feels to congratulate him email him at akshat9@gmail.com.
Source http://susanpolgar.blogspot.com/2011/05/khamparia-takes-first-place-and-im-norm.html
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Pandit Manish Sharma - World-renowned Astrologer
Nothing's gonna change my love for my students
Pandit Manish Sharma is a world-renowned Astrologer from Mhow, India. He was born into a traditional Hindu family of illustrious astrologers where the practice of Astrology has been passed from father to son for centuries. The Sharma family have been keepers of that knowledge for many generations, and , as is the custom, Manish began to receive training from his father while still a young boy. Because the application of Astrological principals is deeply embedded in the customs and rituals of village life, education in the subject was as much a way of life as a focus of study. http://www.future123.com/
Thus Manish, like many before him, learned Astrology both as a science involving mathematics and the application of numerous laws and principles, as well as a style of thinking which holds tantamount the premise that all life is sacred and connected to an organic whole.
The spiritual orientation of Astrology has remained since its inception, and the tradition maintains an unbroken connection to its origins in the divinely inspired Vedic scriptures which address and integrate all branches of nowledge known to mankind.
Manish had a deep interest in spiritual life, and desire for greater experience and understanding led him to seek out many Saints and Sages in India. Thus began a long association with both unknown sadhus as well as many of the most revered spiritual leaders of our time.
He holds a Post Graduate degree in business management and English literature and has traveled widely throughout the world in his capacity as an astrological advisor to the many. Today, he has a busy practice in the Indore area where he is consulted by people from all over the world and from all walks of life.
Manish is a celebrated writer, consultant and advisor and has traveled widely across the country in his capacity as a teacher and lecturer. and a great benefactor to the cause of bringing together peoples of all race and creeds in a in a celebration of the intelligence and unity governing all life.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Dr. R V Nandedkar Director IES, IPS Academy is being awarded by Pt. Lajja Shankar Jha award Engineering & Technology for the year 2007
Dr. R V Nandedkar Director IES is being awarded by Pt. Lajja Shankar Jha award Engineering & Technology for the year 2007.
Dr. Rajendra Vasant Nandedkar obtained his M.Sc. from Indore University (Now Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalya) in 1969 and Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Science, Banglore in 1981.
Dr. Nandedkar is a distinguished scientist in the filed of effect of radiation on materials for fast breeder and fusion reactors. He set up a laboratory Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research at Kalpakkam to use low energy particle accelerators, to simulate radiation damage in materials for reactors. He has made a pioneering contribution in radiation damage in metallic glasses.
At Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore where India's first synchrotron radiation sources Indus - 1 & Indus -2 are built, a beam line was designed, installed, commissioned on Indus-1 and research papers were published by a team under his leadership. For Indus-2 source, his team and he designed fabricated, installed an successfully commissioned prototype front ends. These front ends are now multiplied which has resulted in a substantial savings in foreign exchange. He was also leading a team of scientists and engineers which was involved in designing, installation and commissioning fo few beam lines on Indus-2.
He also installed first electron-microscope laboratory and its sample preparation in Madhya Pradesh. Using these microscopes, he has contributed in the field of nano-materials.
During his career he has published more than 115 research and technology papers in reputed international journals and also published popular scientific articles in Hindi.
The Government of Madhya Pradesh hours Dr. R.V. Nandedkar with Pt. Lajja Shankar Jha State Award for Engineering & Technology for the year 2007.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Darshan Nayak - Founder Biosense
Darshan H. Nayak
Stanford , CA
Darshan Nayak is a Stanford India Biodesign Fellow and a physician trained at the Grant Medical college and Sir J.J. hospital in Mumbai, India. He graduated with degrees in General Surgery and Internal Medicine. While in medical school, he worked with Dr. S. Natarajan, a renowned vitreo-retinal surgeon on the development of Indigenous subretinal implant to treat patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa. Darshan is passionate about inventing medical devices and developing high quality, affordable medtech solutions for developing countries. While interning at J.J .hospital in Mumbai, he worked on a approach for measuring blood anylates and developed a working prototype to measure hemoglobin. The work led to the formation of a startup which is now incubated at the Center for Innovation, incubation and Entrepreneurship at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Darshan is also an J.R.D Tata Trust and Sir Ratan Tata Trust scholar.
Stanford , CA
Darshan Nayak is a Stanford India Biodesign Fellow and a physician trained at the Grant Medical college and Sir J.J. hospital in Mumbai, India. He graduated with degrees in General Surgery and Internal Medicine. While in medical school, he worked with Dr. S. Natarajan, a renowned vitreo-retinal surgeon on the development of Indigenous subretinal implant to treat patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa. Darshan is passionate about inventing medical devices and developing high quality, affordable medtech solutions for developing countries. While interning at J.J .hospital in Mumbai, he worked on a approach for measuring blood anylates and developed a working prototype to measure hemoglobin. The work led to the formation of a startup which is now incubated at the Center for Innovation, incubation and Entrepreneurship at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Darshan is also an J.R.D Tata Trust and Sir Ratan Tata Trust scholar.
Darshan Nayak - Founder Biosense
Darshan H. Nayak
Stanford , CA
Darshan Nayak is a Stanford India Biodesign Fellow and a physician trained at the Grant Medical college and Sir J.J. hospital in Mumbai, India. He graduated with degrees in General Surgery and Internal Medicine. While in medical school, he worked with Dr. S. Natarajan, a renowned vitreo-retinal surgeon on the development of Indigenous subretinal implant to treat patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa. Darshan is passionate about inventing medical devices and developing high quality, affordable medtech solutions for developing countries. While interning at J.J .hospital in Mumbai, he worked on a approach for measuring blood anylates and developed a working prototype to measure hemoglobin. The work led to the formation of a startup which is now incubated at the Center for Innovation, incubation and Entrepreneurship at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Darshan is also an J.R.D Tata Trust and Sir Ratan Tata Trust scholar.
Stanford , CA
Darshan Nayak is a Stanford India Biodesign Fellow and a physician trained at the Grant Medical college and Sir J.J. hospital in Mumbai, India. He graduated with degrees in General Surgery and Internal Medicine. While in medical school, he worked with Dr. S. Natarajan, a renowned vitreo-retinal surgeon on the development of Indigenous subretinal implant to treat patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa. Darshan is passionate about inventing medical devices and developing high quality, affordable medtech solutions for developing countries. While interning at J.J .hospital in Mumbai, he worked on a approach for measuring blood anylates and developed a working prototype to measure hemoglobin. The work led to the formation of a startup which is now incubated at the Center for Innovation, incubation and Entrepreneurship at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Darshan is also an J.R.D Tata Trust and Sir Ratan Tata Trust scholar.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Ritesh Agarwal - An Entrepreneur, Innovator(Scientist), Author, Techie, Web-Builder
Nothing can be and can not be one and similar at the same time and I am, I am Ritesh Agarwal.
An Entrepreneur, Innovator(Scientist), Author, Techie, Web-Builder and not to forget a 12th Grader too. He started when he was 13 working with Telecom giants Bharti Airtel at Orissa. Four years down the line he has successfully run a start-up RA Group(currently under subsidy evaluation under his new firm Fortune Growth Partners) that engages itself into Technology and Corporate Sectors with a good client network; has authored a book which he defines as Entrepreneurial Authorship that he wrote in just 6 days and is a best-seller now, recognized as a child scientist at the Indian National Science Congress and also attended the Asian Science Camp(a confluence of leading young scientists with Nobel Laureates). He is currently on his way to launch his larger corporate body of International Business Growth Partners and would be leaving for USA this fall for the further growth of his Business once done with his school education at St. Johns School,Kota,Rajasthan.
Apart from that games like basket ball, public speaking, writing are my other interests. And overall learning is the best skill I feel has been a part which leads me to all the successes I had in my short life time.
Exposure to fields like Engineering and Technology to Business and from Research to Writing and speaking gave me a quite
nice/interesting viewpoint to the world. I love to see Engineering & science from a commercial perspective and vice versa. This vision reflects in almost all of my projects and research work as well. In short, "I do what I love and I love what I do".
For the bottom-line-- "I am a winner!".
An Entrepreneur, Innovator(Scientist), Author, Techie, Web-Builder and not to forget a 12th Grader too. He started when he was 13 working with Telecom giants Bharti Airtel at Orissa. Four years down the line he has successfully run a start-up RA Group(currently under subsidy evaluation under his new firm Fortune Growth Partners) that engages itself into Technology and Corporate Sectors with a good client network; has authored a book which he defines as Entrepreneurial Authorship that he wrote in just 6 days and is a best-seller now, recognized as a child scientist at the Indian National Science Congress and also attended the Asian Science Camp(a confluence of leading young scientists with Nobel Laureates). He is currently on his way to launch his larger corporate body of International Business Growth Partners and would be leaving for USA this fall for the further growth of his Business once done with his school education at St. Johns School,Kota,Rajasthan.
Apart from that games like basket ball, public speaking, writing are my other interests. And overall learning is the best skill I feel has been a part which leads me to all the successes I had in my short life time.
Exposure to fields like Engineering and Technology to Business and from Research to Writing and speaking gave me a quite
nice/interesting viewpoint to the world. I love to see Engineering & science from a commercial perspective and vice versa. This vision reflects in almost all of my projects and research work as well. In short, "I do what I love and I love what I do".
For the bottom-line-- "I am a winner!".
17 year old Entrepreneur and CEO of Worth Growth Partners Ritesh Agarwal on consulting foreign companies that are entering Indian Markets
Thursday, 19 May 2011 19:25 YourStory Team
Friday, May 6, 2011
Anshu Gupta, Founder Goonj

Listed in ‘Forbes’ as one of the India’s most powerful entrepreneurs, Anshu’s organization, GOONJ has won many prestigious awards including the Innovation for India award, Lien i3 challenge, CNN-IBN Real Hero’s Award, India NGO of the Year Award, Changemakers Innovation Awards and Development Market Place Award from the World Bank.
Anshu’s efforts to bring wider attention to the most ignored basic need of human i.e. clothing and its various aspects right from dignity, deaths in winters to the most taboo subject of sanitary pads are getting wider acceptance across the world and many organizations have started replicating GOONJ’s various initiatives.
Career Links
Career Links • University Grants Commission - www.ugc.ac.in
• Central Board Of Secondary Education - www.cbse.nic.in
• Delhi University - www.du.ac.in
• Jawaharlal Nehru University - www.jnu.ac.in
• National Council for Teacher Education - www.ncte-in.org
• National Council for Educational Research & Training - www.ncert.nic.in
• Ministry of HRD (Education) - www.education.nic.in [Image] Aviation • Directorate General of Civil Aviation - www.dgca.nic.in
• IATA training - www.iata.org
• Ministry of Civil Aviation - www.civilaviation.nic.in
• Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi - www.igrua.gov.in [Image] Banking • Reserve Bank of India - www.rbi.org.in
• State Bank of India - www.statebankofindia.com
• Panjab National Bank - www.pnbindia.com
• Corporation Bank - www.corpbank.com [Image] Civil - Services • Union Public Service Commission - www.upsc.gov.in/
• Staff Selection Commission - ssc.nic.in
• Department of Personal & Training - www.dopt.nic.in [Image] Defence • National Defence Academy - www.nda.nic.in
• Indian Army - www.indianarmy.nic.in
• Join Indian Army - www.joinindianarmy.nic.in
• Indian Air Force - www.indianairforce.nic.in
• Indian Navy - www.indiannavy.nic.in [Image] Engineering • All India Council of Technical Education - www.aicte.ernet.in
• The Institutions of Engineers (India) - http://www.ieindia.org
• IIT-Kharagpur - www.iitkgp.ac.in
• Bureau of Energy Efficiency - www.bee.gov.in
• Distance Education Council for distance education in Engineering - www.dec.ac.in
• Joint Entrance Examination (Orissa) - www.jeeorissa.com [Image] Finance • The Institute Of Chartered Accountant – www.icai.org
• The Institute Of Company Secretaries of India – www.icsi.edu
• National Stock exchange of India - www.nseindia.com
• Bombay Stock exchange - www.bseindia.com
• Indian Institute of Banking & Finance – www.iibf.org.in
• Indian Institute of Statistical Institute - www.isical.ac.in [Image] Hospitality • Incredible India - www.incredibleindia.org
• Ministry of Tourism - www.tourisminindia.com [Image] IT • NASSCOM - www.nasscom.in
• Ministry of IT - www.mit.gov.in
• DOECC - www.doeacc.edu.in
• Centre For Development of Advance Computing - www.cdac.in
• Indian Institute of Technology Madras - www.iitm.ac.in [Image] Law • Supreme Court of India - www.supremecourtofindia.nic.in
• Ministry of Law & Justice - www.lawmin.nic.in
• National Commission for Women - www.ncw.nic.in
• Central Administrative Tribunal - www.cgat.gov.in [Image] Library Science • Raja Rammohun Roy Library foundation - www.rrrlf.nic.in
• National Archives Of India - www.nationalarchives.gov.in [Image] Management • Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta - www.iimcal.ac.in
• Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad - www.iimahd.ernet.in [Image] Media • Indian Institute of Mass Commission - www.iimc.nic.in
• Publications Division - www.publicationsdivision.nic.in
• DoorDarshan - www.ddindia.com
• Directorate Of Advertising and Visual Publicity - www.davp.nic.in
• Press Information Bureau - www.pib.nic.in [Image] Medicine • Ministry of Health & Welfare - www.mohwf.nic.in
• Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) - www.indianmedicine.nic.in
• National Aids Control Organisation - www.nacoonline.org
• Armed Forces Medical College - www.armedforces.nic.in [Image] Railways • Indian Railways - www.indianrail.gov.in
• Indian Railways - www.indianrailways.gov.in
• Ministry of Railways - www.railnet.gov.in
• IRCON - www.ircon.org
• Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. - www.irctc.co.in [Image] Retail • Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Kolkata - www.iiswbm.edu
• CII Institute of Logistics, Chennai - www.ciilogistics.com
• Gobind Ballabh Pant University - www.gbpuat.ac.in
• Annamalai University - www.annauniv.edu
• Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, - www.iift.edu [Image] Science • Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University - www.jntu.ac.in
• IIT Bombay - www.iitb.ac.in
• Mumbai University - www.mu.ac.in
• Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad - www.ismdhanbad.ac.in
• CSIR-UGC (NET) - www.csirhrdg.res.in
• Indian Council of Medical Research, - www.icmr.nic.in
• Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi - www.bitmesra.ac.in
• Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai - www.mkudde.org
• Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur - www.iitkgp.ernet.in
• Central Institute of Fisheries Nautical and Engineering Training - www.cifnet.nic.in
• Bioinformatics Institute of India - www.bioinformaticscentre.org [Image] Science-IPR/PATENTS • Patent Office, Govt of India - www.ipindia.nic.in
• Institute of Intellectual Property Studies, Mumbai - www.iips.ac.in
• National Law School of India University, Nagarbhavi - www.nls.ac.in
• Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad (Deemed University) - www.iiita.ac.in [Image] Self Entrepreneurship • Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi - www.cmfri.com
• Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai - www.tiss.edu
• Ministry of Labour & Employment (Directorate General of Employment & Training) ADVANCED TRAINING INSTITUTE - http://dget.nic.in/atikanpur [Image] Pharmacy • Academy for Clinical Excellence (ACE) - www.aceindia.org
• Institute of Clinical Research (ICRI) - www.icriindia.com
• Bombay College of Pharmacy - www.bcpindia.org
• Jamia Hamdarad Islamia - www.jmi.ac.in
• National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER). S.A.S. Nagar, Punjab - www.niper.nic.in
• Guru Jambeshwar University, Hisar - www.gju.ernet.in
• Central Board Of Secondary Education - www.cbse.nic.in
• Delhi University - www.du.ac.in
• Jawaharlal Nehru University - www.jnu.ac.in
• National Council for Teacher Education - www.ncte-in.org
• National Council for Educational Research & Training - www.ncert.nic.in
• Ministry of HRD (Education) - www.education.nic.in [Image] Aviation • Directorate General of Civil Aviation - www.dgca.nic.in
• IATA training - www.iata.org
• Ministry of Civil Aviation - www.civilaviation.nic.in
• Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi - www.igrua.gov.in [Image] Banking • Reserve Bank of India - www.rbi.org.in
• State Bank of India - www.statebankofindia.com
• Panjab National Bank - www.pnbindia.com
• Corporation Bank - www.corpbank.com [Image] Civil - Services • Union Public Service Commission - www.upsc.gov.in/
• Staff Selection Commission - ssc.nic.in
• Department of Personal & Training - www.dopt.nic.in [Image] Defence • National Defence Academy - www.nda.nic.in
• Indian Army - www.indianarmy.nic.in
• Join Indian Army - www.joinindianarmy.nic.in
• Indian Air Force - www.indianairforce.nic.in
• Indian Navy - www.indiannavy.nic.in [Image] Engineering • All India Council of Technical Education - www.aicte.ernet.in
• The Institutions of Engineers (India) - http://www.ieindia.org
• IIT-Kharagpur - www.iitkgp.ac.in
• Bureau of Energy Efficiency - www.bee.gov.in
• Distance Education Council for distance education in Engineering - www.dec.ac.in
• Joint Entrance Examination (Orissa) - www.jeeorissa.com [Image] Finance • The Institute Of Chartered Accountant – www.icai.org
• The Institute Of Company Secretaries of India – www.icsi.edu
• National Stock exchange of India - www.nseindia.com
• Bombay Stock exchange - www.bseindia.com
• Indian Institute of Banking & Finance – www.iibf.org.in
• Indian Institute of Statistical Institute - www.isical.ac.in [Image] Hospitality • Incredible India - www.incredibleindia.org
• Ministry of Tourism - www.tourisminindia.com [Image] IT • NASSCOM - www.nasscom.in
• Ministry of IT - www.mit.gov.in
• DOECC - www.doeacc.edu.in
• Centre For Development of Advance Computing - www.cdac.in
• Indian Institute of Technology Madras - www.iitm.ac.in [Image] Law • Supreme Court of India - www.supremecourtofindia.nic.in
• Ministry of Law & Justice - www.lawmin.nic.in
• National Commission for Women - www.ncw.nic.in
• Central Administrative Tribunal - www.cgat.gov.in [Image] Library Science • Raja Rammohun Roy Library foundation - www.rrrlf.nic.in
• National Archives Of India - www.nationalarchives.gov.in [Image] Management • Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta - www.iimcal.ac.in
• Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad - www.iimahd.ernet.in [Image] Media • Indian Institute of Mass Commission - www.iimc.nic.in
• Publications Division - www.publicationsdivision.nic.in
• DoorDarshan - www.ddindia.com
• Directorate Of Advertising and Visual Publicity - www.davp.nic.in
• Press Information Bureau - www.pib.nic.in [Image] Medicine • Ministry of Health & Welfare - www.mohwf.nic.in
• Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) - www.indianmedicine.nic.in
• National Aids Control Organisation - www.nacoonline.org
• Armed Forces Medical College - www.armedforces.nic.in [Image] Railways • Indian Railways - www.indianrail.gov.in
• Indian Railways - www.indianrailways.gov.in
• Ministry of Railways - www.railnet.gov.in
• IRCON - www.ircon.org
• Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. - www.irctc.co.in [Image] Retail • Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Kolkata - www.iiswbm.edu
• CII Institute of Logistics, Chennai - www.ciilogistics.com
• Gobind Ballabh Pant University - www.gbpuat.ac.in
• Annamalai University - www.annauniv.edu
• Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, - www.iift.edu [Image] Science • Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University - www.jntu.ac.in
• IIT Bombay - www.iitb.ac.in
• Mumbai University - www.mu.ac.in
• Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad - www.ismdhanbad.ac.in
• CSIR-UGC (NET) - www.csirhrdg.res.in
• Indian Council of Medical Research, - www.icmr.nic.in
• Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi - www.bitmesra.ac.in
• Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai - www.mkudde.org
• Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur - www.iitkgp.ernet.in
• Central Institute of Fisheries Nautical and Engineering Training - www.cifnet.nic.in
• Bioinformatics Institute of India - www.bioinformaticscentre.org [Image] Science-IPR/PATENTS • Patent Office, Govt of India - www.ipindia.nic.in
• Institute of Intellectual Property Studies, Mumbai - www.iips.ac.in
• National Law School of India University, Nagarbhavi - www.nls.ac.in
• Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad (Deemed University) - www.iiita.ac.in [Image] Self Entrepreneurship • Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi - www.cmfri.com
• Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai - www.tiss.edu
• Ministry of Labour & Employment (Directorate General of Employment & Training) ADVANCED TRAINING INSTITUTE - http://dget.nic.in/atikanpur [Image] Pharmacy • Academy for Clinical Excellence (ACE) - www.aceindia.org
• Institute of Clinical Research (ICRI) - www.icriindia.com
• Bombay College of Pharmacy - www.bcpindia.org
• Jamia Hamdarad Islamia - www.jmi.ac.in
• National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER). S.A.S. Nagar, Punjab - www.niper.nic.in
• Guru Jambeshwar University, Hisar - www.gju.ernet.in
Kartik Raichura Founder and CEO of Management Paradise.com
Mr. Kartik Raichura is the Founder and CEO of ManagementParadise.com, that ranks among the top 10 educational portals in India and top 30 thousand sites in the world.
ManagementParadise.com is the 7th largest educational website in India according to Alexa
Ranking; visited by about half a million people every month and generating millions of page
views. Management Paradise has been media partner for various corporate conferences,
competitions and premier B-school events in the past 6 years.
A business post graduate from Welingkar Institute of Management, Mumbai, Kartik Raichura has been a serial entrepreneur, an author, a public speaker and a social worker. He started his company when he was a teen and has shared his journey of his startup and scaling up in many newspapers and magazines . His business acumen has led him to judge many business plan competitions at prestigious institutes.
Kartik Raichura's first corporate stint was internship with MAQ softwares where he worked directly under the Director Mr. Vikram Kumar and helped him roll out entrance exam related products. His second internship was with DNA where he worked on DNA's expansion strategy during his post graduation days.
With the dream of revolutionizing management education, Kartik Raichura has spearheaded and
mentored various online ventures and is a seed investor in one. The most recent venture being "B-School.com" soon to be launched under his superior business leadership.
Additionally, Mr. Kartik Raichura is a Chief Consultant for Kratee E-commerce and Consulting
Mr. Kartik Raichura is a passionate visionary, who is transforming the way management
students interact and collaborate online today, and aims at continually empowering students and
professionals in multiple ways, across verticals.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
TEDx IPSA Technology, Entertainment, Design - 7 May 2011 in Indore
TED is devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. Technology, Entertainment, Design.
We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. So we're building here a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other. TEDxIPSA Indore brings the spirit of TED conference - hosting some of the world's most fascinating thinkers, doers, teachers, innovators, entrepreneurs & change makers to inspire attendees to create greater impact with their ideas. Theme of TEDxIPSA Indore: “Unleashing the Power of Entrepreneurship” More than 13 speakers* are coming to share their ideas at TEDxIPSA Indore, these speakers are from Technology, Business, Journalism, Entertainment, Education, Social Enterprises, Film industry and Photography fields.
We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. So we're building here a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other. TEDxIPSA Indore brings the spirit of TED conference - hosting some of the world's most fascinating thinkers, doers, teachers, innovators, entrepreneurs & change makers to inspire attendees to create greater impact with their ideas. Theme of TEDxIPSA Indore: “Unleashing the Power of Entrepreneurship” More than 13 speakers* are coming to share their ideas at TEDxIPSA Indore, these speakers are from Technology, Business, Journalism, Entertainment, Education, Social Enterprises, Film industry and Photography fields.
For Registration :- call
Subrat Kar 9981822101
Vedansh Soni 9827277855
Jeetendra Singh Gaur 9752456098
TEDx Office, IPS Academy -0731-4014554
Confirmed Speakers
1.Mahesh Murthy, Founder & CEO Pinstorm
2. Arunabh Kumar, Film Director ( Assistant Dir. Om Shanti Om)
3.Shashank Khanna, Senior Interaction Designer - Yahoo!
4. Susant Pattnaik, Inventor & Award Winner by MIT Technology
5. Pulkit Gaur, Founder Gridbots
6. Akshay Sharma, Magician & Film Director
7. Darshan Nayak, Stanford India Biodesign Fellow & CoFounder Biosense
8. Prasun Bhowmik, Fellow @ TeachforIndia
9. Nitin Gupta, CEO, Entertainment Engineers
10.Kartik Raichura, Founder - Managementparadise.com
11.Anurag Batra, Chairman Exchange4media Group.
12.Anshu Gupta, Founder Goonj
13.Ashish Khatri Founder Inventor MANN Society
Registration cost:-
Students - 300/-
Non Students - 500/-
Corporates - 750/-
Which includes the following,
1] Coffee & Lunch.
2] Certificate of Participation
3] Dream discount card valid on 200 outlets for 5 to 10% discount
4] Flat 50% discount voucher for Pearl saloon
5] Free voucher for Dashing Car ride at X2 Fun C21 mall
6] 50% discount on Adventure tours
7] 60000 bulk sms facility
8] One movie ticket free at Velocity
9] Discount coupons of Matrix Salon
10] Discount card of Wannapuff
For Registration
Visit event Website www.tedxipsaindore.com
Subrat Kar 9981822101
Vedansh Soni 9827277855
Jeetendra Singh Gaur 9752456098
TEDx Office, IPS Academy -0731-4014554
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